Al Sharq Modern Trading
Nizoral Shampoo 100 ML
Nizoral Shampoo 100 ML
Nizoral Shampoo An anti-dandruff shampoo effectively eliminates the fungi causing dandruff, providing relief from itching and other scalp issues such as burning sensation and scalp redness. It is a fast-acting and gentle treatment for the scalp, working to protect and strengthen the hair from the roots. It keeps the hair soft, prevents hair loss, and leaves a pleasant fragrance. shampoo works by gently cleansing the scalp and hair, removing excess oils and debris to help prevent the recurrence of dandruff.
Usage Instructions:
Apply a small amount of shampoo (approximately 6ml) to the scalp. Leave the lather to work on the skin for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing the hair. The regular shampoo can be used alongside . For dandruff treatment, use twice a week for 2 to 4 weeks. For dandruff prevention, use once a week or once every two weeks.